Thursday, June 28, 2012

How a 24-Year-Old is Helping People Enjoy Their Time In Life

Steve Tobiasz doesn’t have a job. In fact, he’s not even looking for one. You might consider him an entrepreneur. You might think he’s crazy. All in all he is very different from the average 24-year-olds you meet. However, Steve is doing something most of us only wish for: What he loves.
If you ask Steve what his job is he might give you 10 different answers. Each one of those answers however relates back to his overall goal of helping people enjoy their time in life. A native of Lake Zurich, Illinois, Steve is an author of 2 books, a philanthropist, host of a podcast comedy show, former intern for Conan O’Brian and is currently filming a TV show pilot. All of his work revolves around comedy and he is constantly making sacrifices just to make people laugh. Steve’s latest book is called “Detail Disoriented”, a collection of short stories that depict real life situations in a humorous way.

I sat down with Steve to ask him some questions about the book and how he balances his busy lifestyle.

What gave you the idea to write your book?
As a 24-year-old I understood that most people my age were procrastinators. I wanted to do something that made me happy so I just sat down and did it. After seeing my stepbrother, who has Down Syndrome, perform in a play produced by Ups For Downs, a charity supporting kids with Down Syndrome, I saw how happy he was and decided I wanted to donate all the money I make from the book to charity.

That takes dedication. How do you stay motivated to write knowing you won’t be making money off of the book?
It was amazing to see my stepbrother be a part of that play and have one weekend where it was just his…and my decision to donate to Ups for Downs as well as the Chicago Blood Cancer Foundation, gave me even more motivation to write. I asked myself “Do I go out drinking or do something I’m proud of?” It was a pretty easy answer. I set a schedule and just committed to writing. You have to hold yourself accountable.

What is the marketing strategy you use to promote yourself and the book?
Free online giveaways, book release parties, a few radio appearances, blogs and social media. Twitter is extremely effective. If somebody re-tweets your twee, that’s like free advertising. It works great. 

Working for Conan must have been pretty cool?
Yea it was the best experience ever. I got really lucky. I networked to get that job. I also had the opportunity to work with his show when he was in Chicago recently. My ultimate goal in life is to be a talk show host.

What is some advice you would give to people our age trying to pursue their goals and dreams?
Know what you want and fully commit to it. The sooner you know, the happier you will be. Also, put your full effort into each task you do. If you want to succeed, you have no other option. Don’t worry about money. Take risks.

What are you currently doing and what do you have coming up?
Currently I’m promoting Detail Disoriented, doing a few book signings, a mini promo-tour, finishing a TV pilot, pitching the pilot, hosting my podcast and getting ready to write my next book.

Multi-tasking, making people laugh and donating your earnings to charity. Sounds like you are not only keeping yourself happy but others as well.

You can find out more about Steve by going to his website at

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