Monday, May 14, 2012

Job Hunting? Here Are Some Things NOT To Do

As someone who interviews interns at my company, I have read hundreds of resumes and cover letters. Through this experience, I have learned how a candidate stands out both positively and negatively. One conclusion I have come to: it is shocking how terrible MOST resumes and cover letters are.

You would think that people who attend Northwestern or University of Chicago would know how to write a good cover letter, but surprisingly these applicants typically have some of the worst applications. Here is some advise when applying for a job.

1) Follow Directions

If the directions say to send your resume AND cover letter... Send your resume and cover letter. It doesn't do you or the recruiter any good if you send just one. In fact, some recruiters wont even look at your application if you don't follow simple directions.

2) Do NOT say "To whom it may concern"

This goes along with following directions. If the application provides contact info, make sure to address it that  person. Many applicants have addressed me by name in an email but in their application they say "to whom it may concern". This shows lack of care and attention to detail. If you don't know the name of the person say something like "HR manager" or "Hiring Manager".

3) Mention the company (and the right one) you are applying for in your cover letter

If you are applying to "Marketing Company X" make sure you mention that. Don't say "I would be right for the position at Boeing" if you are not applying to Boeing. Also, if there is no mention of the company you are applying for in your cover letter, it becomes obvious you put no effort into your application. If you don't put effort into your application, the recruiter will not put effort into reading it.

4) Mention experience, not hobbies

Its okay to talk about your hobbies or interests if asked in an interview. Do not put it on your resume or cover letter. Talk about your experience and why you would be a good fit for the job. Your fishing or mini-golf interest will not make you stand out in a positive way.

5) Don't be weird

Be personable, intellectual and just follow the rules of job hunting. Here are some no-no's

- Don't have large or colorful fonts. Be simple.
- Don't say you are the next Steve Jobs and can make the company millions of dollars (Yea, I've seen that)
- Don't write how many words per minute you can include. This is 2012, not 2002.
- Don't have a 3 sentence cover letter. It's called a letter, not a paragraph.
- Don't include what you did in middle school or high school. Being the football star in high school may have gotten you girls but it won't get you a job.

An employer is looking to see your experience and how you would be a good fit for their company. Everyone has value - know how to talk about it.