Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Coffee in the Morning? How About a Beer

Hold the espresso and give me a shot of tequila. It'll be a long day.

According to Forbes, Starbucks will begin selling alcoholic beverages in some of their locations. After initial trials were run in Seattle and Oregon, Atlanta, Southern California and Chicago will be the next cities to experience the Coffee chains drink upgrade.

Personally, I think its a great idea. This gives me a happy hour I can actually make it to, considering I'm too tired to drink after work. Furthermore, this provides good morning entertainment. Who wouldn't want to see people stumbling out of a Starbucks at 7 am after drinking a few too many? Maybe the drunk businessmen in the morning will scare away the homeless people that sit out in front of the Starbucks outside of my work. Then again, maybe the smell of booze in the morning will attract more of them.

To read more about another way to promote America's binge drinking problem, click here.

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